World leader in building materials and products, GCP Applied Technologies offers a wide range of innovative products combining performance, durability and aesthetics.This range includes PieriĀ® products, auxiliaries and fibers for concrete, BetecĀ® mortars, cement additives but also the sealing and protection systems Structural fire.Its range Pieri - Decorative Concrete Solutions - includes a wide range of products including surface retarders, release agents, dies formwork, additives and colorful protection or not for floors and facades.For staining of concrete in the mass, GCP offers its range of pigments Pieri Kaolor. These high quality synthetic pigments and UV stable are CE marked according to the criteria of Category B required by the standard EN 12878 - "coloring pigments for cementitious building materials and / or lime."basic shades of dozens, ranging from pastels to more subdued colors are available and allow you to customize your concrete structures to infinity.